NLRB Tells CWC How COVID-19 Operational Changes Will Impact Employers

CWC has reached out to all major federal agencies that regulate the workplace to learn how coronavirus operational changes, such as telework policies, may impact employers and other stakeholders. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has provided us the following helpful details.

Hearings: Any previously scheduled NLRB hearings through March 31 have been postponed. Hearings scheduled for April 1 or later are still scheduled but may be postponed.

Elections: All elections scheduled prior to April 3 have been indefinitely postponed. 

Filings and Correspondence: Service of all Board and ALJ decisions and orders will only take place using the NLRB’s E-Service. The Board is encouraging any party with proceedings before the Board to sign up for E-Service by sending an email to Additional information is available on the NLRB’s website.


We’ll continue to monitor agency operational changes. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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