Labor Relations


In Publications

Memorandum 22-090

Recent Court Ruling Highlights EEOC’s Aggressive Anti-Retaliation Litigation Strategy.

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In Publications

Memorandum 22-080

NLRB’s Top Lawyer Gives Further Insight Into Her Agenda To Overhaul U.S. Labor Law.

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In Publications

Memorandum 20-207

CWC’s Guide To Dealing With Political Discourse in the Workplace

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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The appeals court has ruled that the National Labor Relations Board violated an employer’s due process rights in reinstating a worker-friendly misconduct standard without giving the employer an opportunity to express its views.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Supreme Court has settled a federal circuit court split in a way that will make it less likely that employers will have to reinstate fired workers while the NLRB reviews unfair labor practice charges.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

President Biden has submitted two nominations for seats on the five-member National Labor Relations Board, one a Democrat and the other a Republican. If the nominees are confirmed by the U.S. Senate before it adjourns for the year, pro-union Democrat

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued a new regulation that will allow employees to designate a union representative to accompany an OSHA compliance officer during a workplace safety inspection.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

A federal district court in Texas has ruled that a regulation issued last year by the Biden-appointed National Labor Relations Board majority regarding whether two entities can be considered “joint” employers exceeds common law limits, and cannot be

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